We value our first-class reputation and only use carefully selected contractors who have high standards which align with our own. Our main contractor is P&D Scotland Ltd and are a multi-trade contractor, thus providing an efficient and seamless service to our customers. We carry out periodic tendering exercises to ensure that owners receive a high quality service and value for money.
We use the following methods to ensure that the level of our service remains consistently high:

A review of all maintenance contractors will take place on a regular basis to ensure that prices charged are competitive, reasonable and workmanship is of an excellent standard. This review is monitored by the board of directors to ensure the highest possible standards and value for money is achieved.
Our staff visit properties on a regular basis to check on the general condition of repairs. Owners must, however, advise Queens Cross Factoring of any outstanding repairs to ensure that as many checks as possible are made on the overall property condition.

We are committed to enhancing our services and relationships with our customers. We aim to consult with owners regularly and where necessary we will organise meetings of owners to discuss matters that concern you. Where possible we would like to see a close or tenement representative being elected by owners.