We aim to provide a first-class service but recognise that there may be occasions where our customers are not happy about an aspect of our service. It is important for us to know about any such occasion.
Initially we like to try and resolve complaints at first contact. If this does not occur then the complaint moves to stage 1 which is investigated and completed within a defined timescale as per QCHA policy. If the stage 1 investigation and response is unsatisfactory then the complaint moves to a stage 2 complaint and is dealt with by Senior Manager or head of Department. At this stage a decision is made on whether the complaint is dismissed or upheld.
Following a dismissal of a complaint then homeowners have the right to As of 1st December 2016 to contact the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and Property Chamber (FTT) and are now based at the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber, Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service, 4th Floor, 1 Atlantic Quay, 45 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8JB.
Details of our complaints procedure can be found by clicking here.