

Selling Your Property?

When you have agreed a sale for your property please instruct your solicitor to inform us so that we can amend our records.  We send a common charges invoice to your solicitor on the date of settlement.  In the event of there being an outstanding balance at the date of sale your solicitor will normally deduct this from the proceeds of the sale.

There is a change of ownership fee in respect of the costs associated with issuing your final invoice and closing your account with us.

Generally, we hold a factoring deposit and this is refunded six months after the date of sale.

If you pay by standing order, please remember to cancel this with your bank.

Tel: 0141 561 1105
Fax: 0141 576 0211
Out of Hours Emergency Tel: 0808 143 2002
Regd. Office: 45 Firhill Road, Glasgow G20 7BE.
Company number SC278139, VAT Registration No. 870 2416 40