Our Office will be closed from the 22/12/2023 at 4pm until the 3/1/2024 at 9am.
If you have an emergeny such as a water ingress please call 0808 143 2002 and speak to our staff in the 24hr contact centre.
Merry Christmas!
Local contractor WrightKerr All Trades Ltd has successfully tendered to deliver Queens Cross’s repairs service.
The contractor will carry out emergency and non-emergency plumbing, electrical, joinery and general building and roof repairs on Queens Cross’ tenanted and factored properties.
"There are a number of challenges facing the construction industry at the moment, skill shortages and inflationary pressure driving the cost of materials up, are just two of them. We look forward to working closely with our new contractor to meet these challenges and deliver a better repairs service" said Queens Cross Chief Executive, Shona Stephen.
"The repairs service is one of our most important and I’m delighted that we will be working with a local company to deliver them as effectively and efficiently as possible."
In partnership with its new contractor Queens Cross expects to see a number of customer service improvements including improved out-of-hours and emergency.
The contract will bring wider benefits to the local community through agreed local employment and apprenticeship targets.
We have renewed the Queens Cross Factoring Insurance for 2023. The summary of cover can be downloaded here.Summary of Cover 2023
Please take a look at the Queens Cross Business Plan below, if you have any comments or suggestions please let us know by emailing info@qcgroup.co.uk
The Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 aims to protect homeowners by providing minimum standards for property factors. All provisions of the Act came into force on 1 October 2012 and apply to all residential property and land management organisations whether they are private sector business, local authorities or housing associations.
The Act has three main elements: 1. A compulsory register of all property factors operating in Scotland; 2. A code of conduct that sets out minimum standards of practice to which all registered property factors must comply; and 3. A route for redress through the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and Property Chamber (FTT) Homeowners are able to apply to the FTT if they believe that their factor has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct or otherwise failed to carry out their factoring duties this redress was formally known as the Home Owner Housing Panel. Please see FTT address details below: First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber, Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service, 4th Floor, 1 Atlantic Quay, 45 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8JB.